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Each month, we give one of our awesome #fitnessformationfamilia our ‘Client of the Month’ award.

There is a multitude of reasons as to why they may have been given the accolade.

They could have made someone else’s life better by paying it forward.

They could have taken massive action on an idea or a goal.

They could have brought sunshine on a cloudy day with their personality and banter.

They could have inspired someone to change their life for the better.

These are just a few of the reasons as to why this award is handed out to members of Fitness Formation. It’s not easy for the team to choose.

We are lucky enough to have like minded people who build each other up and never tear anyone down.

People who seek to inspire by their actions. Doers rather than thinkers. Action takers.

Client Of The Month - March


As the month draws to a close, Selena Buckel will hand over the COTM dumb bell to…..

Sophie ‘Beyonce’ Reeve.

Reevo, or Beyonce, as she now wants to be known for the next month, joined us a little under three months ago, and quite simply, has fit in with the FF gang like a glove.

Her progression has been amazing to watch and she serves as an inspiration to others as to how it is done. She’s a team player, and she’s got cracking banter, to boot.

Sophie is fully deserving of this award, so take a couple of minutes to check out her winners video below, and be sure to leave her a comment in the comment section below.

Reevo. #proud.


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