It’s All In The Details
Big Or Small Details. They All Count.....
We’ve just spent a few minutes procrastinating watching and laughing at the barrack room scene from the film ‘Full Metal Jacket’ where the recruits meet their drill instructor for the very first time. A client tagged us in it, honestly! It’s one of the most memorable scenes in any movie. Ever. And funny to boot.
Whilst a good military film never goes a miss, there are several things that we can take from the way the military do things and implement them into our lives. Having members of our team who spent several years in the Royal Marines, we’d say we’re at a good stand point to tell you how.
We were lucky enough to never have our locker trashed or bed flipped in training, but we’ll put that down to luck rather than skill. Anyway, we’re talking about how every detail in the military, no matter how big or small, counts.
Put the pieces of the jigsaw in place and you have the bigger picture. This will replicate in all areas of your life. Take pride in the smaller details and the rest will follow.
Mike Tyson famously said “Everyone has a plan until you get punched in the face”. Having never been punched in the face by Mike Tyson, we imagine it would smart a little. In the military, the saying goes “ No plan survives first contact”. Once the enemy engages you, your plans change funnily enough (insert pooh with eyes emoji here). You need to adapt. If you’ve had to stay late at work and are thinking of dropping your workout, don’t. Improvise, adapt and overcome. Do a home workout. Do a shorter gym workout. Do something.
The most successful people on the planet make lists. Every day. They help you to ensure that you know what needs to be done. Before you deploy into the field or carry out a patrol, you develop a plan. That plan is a list of key objectives to be achieved or essential equipment you need to complete your task. It allows you to prioritise the task or objectives. Ones that are to be achieved as a matter of urgency and ones that can be held back, if necessary.
A soldiers bergen is, essentially, his lifeline. The things you have in there have to be mission essential. You don’t have space for unwanted items, as they will take up the space of something that you shouldn’t be leaving behind. Think Ikea. Scandinavian. Not flat pack furniture. Although that might have come in handy at times!
Think minimal. Do the things that are crucial to you achieving an aim or objective. Do the things that will help you to move forward, and don’t weigh yourself down with things that aren’t important. You don’t have room for non-essentials.
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