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Holidays build memories. Memories that you cherish and look back on in years to come as you watch your young family grow (if you have one). My family recently spent seven days in Spain, relaxing, eating (read: over eating), and enjoying some quality time as a family. That also meant a complete social media blackout, and zero work. 

No phone, no lap top, and no tablet.

To some, this would be their version of hell. Unable to like, tweet or snap for a full seven days allows you draw a little perspective as to how we live life in 2016. To not be able to do any work for seven days was tough for me. I spend a lot of time on-line.

As a business, we have a presence across all of the most popular social media platforms that, of course, we are trying to build on a daily basis. In all honesty, I like it. It’s the way we live now. It’s all at our fingertips twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. 

But, to be honest with you all again, I kinda liked it when I didn’t have access to it. Complete focus on the kids and spending time with them, and my wife. This blog will aim to draw on a few of the things that I learnt in that time.

Social media is addictive. An excessive consumption that leads to addiction. You realise there’s a lot of content on-line thats a little screwed up, controversial, and in many ways, farcical. A week without social media made me not miss a lot of it. Weird, eh? 

Blog Title - Learnings

I read. Ok, it wasn’t made of paper (insert smiley face emoticon here), but still, it was a book. Something I haven’t done for quite some time. Why? Because it takes time away from me working on helping to grow Fitness Formation. I almost feel guilty when I do it, so it was nice to think I was not cheating on the business with a little self education. Again, weird, but true.

I got to workout with a clear mind. Usually, I work out thinking I have to get this done, so I can get back to work. Sometimes that work is writing these blogs. On holiday, however, there was no distractions. It’s the kind of mindset I’ll try to ingrain into me for good, as our health is our wealth, after all. 

It gives you time to think of what’s important to you, and ultimately, why you do what you do. You have time to think about the future and how you want to move forward. We’re firm believers at FF that you should do what you love. It made me realise more than ever how lucky I am. A job I love, my health and my family. What more do you need, right?

Do you need to be on holiday to take something away from this blog? No, but….

Excessive consumption will eventually lead to addiction.

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