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The countdown has begun. It’s so close you can touch it. The finish line is in sight. The day you’ve all been waiting for is upon you. Six weeks of waiting, to be precise. You guessed it, it’s the end of the school holidays and the end of your days separating squabbling siblings, trying to find ‘free’ activities for all the family to do and finally getting the chance to return to your regular routine of working out.

Let’s take a moment to do the playground dance once the kids are out of sight.




Now it’s all over, we’re here to steer you in the right direction to get you back into your routine and to help you hit the ground running far away from the nightmare of six weeks with no school. In this blog, we’re going to look at some of the things you’ll need to put in place to crush the next few months of tranquillity.

We’re going to treat this just like school. Consider this a basic education from the school of getting shit done. Your very own personal back to school transformation.

Let’s begin….

Lesson #1 – Take Immediate Action

Right now, you may be feeling a little flat. Your energy may be low. Your motivation to get back to it, even lower. Firstly, give your head a shake. Whatever you do, get back to it as soon as possible. Don’t bullshit yourself because it’s raining, the sun is shining or whatever, instead, take immediate action.

Look at the first opportunity to get back to it. Book yourself in for your first session back at the gym, organise your first run, contact your personal trainer to arrange your next PT session. It’s crucial to your long term results that you aim to create consistency in your routine from the start.

Consistent training, balanced nutrition, adequate recovery, plenty of sleep.



You know all this already, hence the Gif.

The difference is whether you actually do those things that are of benefit, or those that are a hindrance.

Motivation is a theoretical construct used to explain behaviour. It represents the reasons for people’s actions, desires, and needs. Motivation can also be defined as one’s direction to behaviour, or what causes a person to want to repeat a behaviour, and vice versa.

You will fight with your motivation in these early stages. Try using motivational triggers. Reasons for doing what you set out to achieve. Put them up around the house to remind you of your triggers and your reasons why, when you’re about to think of an excuse as to not attend the gym, cancel your PT session or make an about turn on your run. List the ones that are of most importance to you, and don’t rest until you’ve achieved them.

Lesson #2 – Make Yourself Accountable

Accountability is a key component in a results based environment. They say if you want to get somewhere fast, go alone, but if you want to go far, then go together. Here’s you chance to be accountable to someone other than your bank manager. Choose an accountability partner or several partners who will provide support, motivation, inspiration, and encouragement. Or, someone who will stick their size whatever up your arse, if you use excuses.

Over the next few months in between now and the most wonderful time of the year, hurdles will come across your path. These people will be there to pick up the pieces, to act as inspiration, or to offer support. You need a network of like-minded people. You answer to them, and they answer to you.

Get rid of the snakes in your life. They are there, and hopefully, they’re not invisible to you. These are the people who only serve to drag you down and poison you. Those who tell you that you can’t do it, that it will never happen, and that you’re pretty much useless. Toxicity is a non-essential. You don’t need it, and you don’t need moronic passengers.

Lesson #3 – Prioritise

Challenges along the way will ask a question of you. They will ask you to seek order in your priorities. They will ask you what is more important to you. Now, in order to continue, you may need to sacrifice one for another (we’re not talking about your children, by the way, no matter how much your hair colour has changed or how crazy you may feel right now. See below).



Ok. Back to it.

You need to prioritise. Don’t see challenges as something to hold you back. Don’t fear them. Look at what is possible beyond them. This is where progress becomes the immediate goal. Don’t use this reason or challenge as an excuse.

Make a choice. Choose the goal that makes you the happiest. Remember that you can always come back to something in the future. In the immediate sense, you are simply prioritising to step forward now.

Draw a timeline of when you want to achieve things. Order them specifically with the aim of having the end goal at the forefront of your reasoning. Goals that conflict shouldn’t mean the end.

Choose one. Overcome it. Move on. Build the picture. Lay the foundations. Bos

Start now. Today. Don’t let fear of failure hold you back. The chance will pass you by every single time you use a reason or an excuse. Just take the first step forward. Choose your priority, and go for it.

Lesson #4 – Step Away From Comfort

It’s said that great things happen out of your comfort zone. What they are really saying is that you don’t always have to live life away from where you are comfortable. They are simply saying that in order to achieve what you think you may not be capable of, you need to go above and beyond at times.

Build a parachute on the way down, so to speak.



Your ‘comfort zone is a state within which you feel at ease, familiar, in control, and with low anxiety levels. A person in this state uses a limited set of behaviours to deliver a steady level of performance, usually without a sense of risk’. The textbook term for your comfort zone. Think of it as an impenetrable force field where you are secure, both mentally, and physically. It balances the risk, anxiety, and your general demeanour.

Once you change something or something around you changes, you find yourself away from familiarity. Change is good. Most people strive to be as productive as possible on a daily basis, yet comfort kills productivity.

Change something. Learn something. Leave average to the average people who will never make that step. Pushing past your boundaries will make it easier to accept change in the future.

Lesson #5 – Take Baby Steps

We need to consider that you can do too much, too soon. Take small steps. Plan in advance, if you need to. Speak to others who may have done something that you are aspiring to achieve in the next few months. Seeking advice is a natural process. Ask someone, and take it step by step.

When you make the decision to act on something, you may not have the experience that you were maybe hoping for, or wishing for. It could be a positive experience or a total let down. That is irrelevant to the fact that have taken yourself away from what you are comfortable with. Think about what it is that you want.


In the next few days, the kiddie winks will be packed off to school and all will be well in the world again, and now you have a few pointers on how to get back to it.

School’s out.

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