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Maple syrup. Michael Buble. Mounties. Jack Bauer. Ice hockey. Half of Niagra Falls. Just a few of the most famous people/things coming out of a country where it’s native population is now referred to by the leader of the free world as ‘Snow Mexicans’.

Yes, we’re talking about Canada.

Each month for the last twelve months, we’ve been crowning one of the #fitnessformationfamilia with our ‘Client of the Month’ award. The award for this month goes to someone who would give Ellen DeGenere’s a run for her money in the chatting stakes. A woman who looks at you like you have any or all of the following: two heads, four legs, two arseholes or….

Like you’ve just told her you’re from America when you explain to her what we’ll be doing in today’s session.

The award for January goes to another famous Canadian (no not you Bieber. You tit)

It goes to none other than….

COTM - Yashmin Essa

Yashmin Essa.

We’d love to say that she’s earnt it, but we’d be lying. We just wanted to keep her quiet for the next four weeks. Obviously, we’re just joking.

Yashmin has been killing it over the first few weeks of the new year crushing session after session after session. She’s been super consistent, which as we all know is a key component for achieving results, so it had to go to her, and her only.

Well done Yas. You’re our favourite Canadian (after Michael Buble) and you’ve put in some awesome work this month.

Check her winner’s video out below and be sure to drop her a comment at the bottom of this blog to show her some international love.

Go ‘Merica.

Could You Be Next Month’s COTM? Contact Us Today To Start Now.

