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Many people neglect their posture in the everyday environment. We slouch at our desk, we slump on the couch, and we relax in the car into a poor posture bringing our spine out of its natural ’S’ shape.

Our core muscles allow for correct posture. They help us maintain balance and stability. They absorb impact forces on the body. Our core is critical to support the body, and allow us to move optimally and freely.

Poor posture is a big contributing factor to back pain. When slouching, we are putting strain onto the joints, especially around our spine.

A good, strong core ensures a greater stabilisation of the spine enabling us to move freely, and by maintaining good core stability you can protect yourself from chronic back pain.

Blog Title - Core Stability

Modern day work life, where we sit at our desk for 8 hours a day is very common, and absences from employees due to health reasons including back pain costs the British economy nearly £5 billion per year.

Good core stability allows for  better stabilisation of the spine during movement, and function. Modern exercise classes such as Pilates can help to address any postural imbalances we my have or be experiencing.

Incorporate some rotational movements, and posterior chain exercises into your training to help strengthen your core, and the muscles that assist them.

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