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‘The sooner you step away from your comfort zone; the sooner you’ll realise it wasn’t all that comfortable’ – Eddie Harris Jnr.

To many of you reading this, stepping out of your comfort zone may not be a familiar experience. It may not be something that you normally do. There are many positive, motivational quotes for doing so. For going the extra mile, when you feel you can’t. Life begins at the end of your comfortable boundaries.

It’s said that great things happen out of your comfort zone. What they are really saying is that you don’t always have to live life away from where you are comfortable. They are simply saying that in order to achieve what you think you may not be capable of, you need to go above and beyond at times.

‘The comfort zone is a state within which a person feels at ease, familiar, in control, and experiences low anxiety. A person in this state uses a limited set of behaviours to deliver a steady level of performance, usually without a sense of risk’. The textbook term for your comfort zone. Think of it as an impenetrable force field where you are secure, both mentally, and physically. It balances the risk, anxiety, and your general demeanour.

That said, research conducted in the early 20th century found that the space just outside your comfort zone is the place where optimal performance is situated. It was found that this state of relative comfort creates top performance. As we said above, you do not have to live your life outside of this place of tranquility constantly. That would be reckless, and would lead to increased anxiety.

Before a person steps away from familiarity, they may need to know the benefits, and rewards this will bring…..

You will learn new skills, and experience new things. If you are anxious about something, the more you repeat it, the easier it will become. You will learn to be creative, and will be inspired to further educate yourself, and others.

‘Change is not good’. This little statement resonates with many. Once you change something, or something around you changes, you find yourself away from familiarity. Change is good. Without change, we don’t have the chance to learn new things. We lose ambition. Most people strive to be as productive as possible on a daily basis, yet comfort kills productivity.

Change something. Learn something. Leave average to the average people who will never make that step. Pushing past your boundaries will make it easier to accept change in the future.

Self improvement often comes from learning new things, and enjoying unfamiliar experiences that will benefit you. They will educate, inspire, and increase your creativity. The mental benefits will go some way to reducing, and controlling anxiety. Start with the things you do on a daily basis. It doesn’t matter what. Just change something. Worry not, if it doesn’t go the way you planned.

Blog Title - Comfort Zone

The benefits of stepping away from where we are comfortable far outweigh the negatives, but we also need to consider that you can do too much, too soon. Take small steps. Plan them in advance, if you need to. Speak to others who may have done something that you aspire to. Seeking advice is a natural process. If you’re anxious, ask someone first. Take it step by step.

Remember, we’re looking for that space just outside of the zone, not miles away, allowing you to manage your emotions more effectively.

When you make the decision to act on something, you may not have the experience that you were maybe hoping for, or wishing for. It could be a positive experience, or a total let down. That is irrelevant to the fact that have taken yourself away from what you are comfortable with. Think about what it is that you want.

You may have always said you’d like to visit a certain country, but you’re held back by the fact you can’t speak the local language. Learn it. Visit it. You may say that you’ve always wanted to try a new restaurant, but may have never tried that type of food before. It’s the age old saying of how do you know, if you never try.

We’re not saying that what you may be changing, experiencing, or doing has to cost you a fortune, but again, a great quote says that every accomplishment starts with the decision to try, regardless of how big or small it is.

When you do step out of your comfort zone, as said above, you are looking manage anxiety, rather than lose control of your emotions. Understand that you will always have support from those in your life who mean the most to you, who you can trust, and those who want to see you living your life with passion. Look at the new things you will experience, be grateful for them, reflect on them, and be inspired by them.

For those of you who are joining us for Born Survivor, some of you may be anxious, nervous, maybe even scared. Know that you will not be the only one out there that has these emotions. You will be stepping into that space just outside of your boundaries. Every single person on that course is there to support you, encourage you, and inspire you. Embrace the challenge. Take the above points into account. Others who have the same feelings as you will all be heading in the same direction as you.

Many people fear failure. It’s one of the main reasons we don’t take the step in the first place. Don’t be afraid of it. You will grow with taking the step away from familiarity. Every obstacle you cross, every step you take, every kilometre you cover is a step in the right direction that you will find reward for, and find justification for taking the unfamiliar leap.

‘If you want something you’ve never had; then you’ve got to do something you’ve never done’ – Unknown.

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