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In this blog, we’ll talk a little on pre-workout nutrition. Many people often ask what is the best source of pre-workout food, and what is good for fuelling the furnace before you take part in a training session.

Due to the fact that we are everyday people, living in the real world where life isn’t perfect, we sometimes don’t have the luxury to have a pre-workout meal or snack. Some people suggest eating a meal three hours before a session, others a little bit less.

That said, if you choose the right foods in the right amounts, the nutrients within will have a number of benefits. We’re going to cover a couple of those here and give you a couple of ideas of the good foods to eat.

Power up – Replenishing your glycogen stores will ensure that you have a greater amount of energy during whatever workout you are doing. Carbohydrates are the best source of energy for the body’s fuel tank, and if we are low on glycogen, it can affect our workout substantially.

Blog Title - Pre-Workout

Breaking bad – Once our glycogen stores have been used, the body will chase the next available energy source which means it will go after the muscles. In order to avoid the body breaking the good work you are putting in, include some protein in your pre-workout meal. Once it is broken down, protein synthesis occurs to promote the growth of lean tissue. Don’t let the body break down muscle. Fuel up.

A couple of easy pre-workout meals are four egg omelet, two white, two whole with pepper, or chicken with asparagus.  Simple ideas, and easy to make. If you’re tracking what you eat, which is highly recommended, don’t forget to log this in your daily totals. Remember that excess calories are excess calories regardless of who you are, what day it is, or what time it is.

One important thing to remember is to ensure that you are drinking plenty of water. Two liters minimum, if possible.

There are many ways to prepare for a training session, and above is just a couple of ideas for you all.

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