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I originally decided to join Fitness Formation because I had been out of the exercising loop for a while and felt I was becoming a little ‘cuddly’. I have always been an active person but had been a member of local gyms (big and small) and after the initial rush of going to the gym passed I always ended up paying out for a subscription that I didn’t use as I got bored!

FF was recommended to me by a couple of friends but, initially I felt that it was a little expensive. So I decided to try out the boot camps, which although gruelling I loved, so I spoke to Ryan and soon enough was signed up for a ‘6 Week Challenge’.

That was over 2 years ago. I find FF value for money as I enjoy going and attending as many sessions as possible. My favourite is weightlifting. This I still find amazing that I am actually lifting 1 ½ times my own weight with the olympic bars and I am sure I will eventually get to twice my own body weight!

One of the best things about FF is the support that you gain from the coaches. I initially wanted to lose weight, which I did, but then lost too much and I was coached into eating the right things to put on the right type of weight. I now eat much healthier and maintain a healthy weight that allows me to go to FF several times a week lifting weights to build muscle without worrying too much about what the scales say.

I weigh the same but look much better with a leaner more sculpted figure. The other way that I have gained support from the coaches at FF that has been invaluable over the last 12 months has been the support when I injured my knees, due to running. It transpired that I needed orthotics and a long period of not using my legs!

Helen Catterall - Success Story

This was hard but the coaches at FF tailored every session I attended making sure that I had alternate exercises focusing on my upper body and then eased me back in slowly helping to build up my knees gradually. This sort of customer service would be unheard of at another gyms, I am sure.

Another amazing benefit that I have gained from joining FF is the encouragement and friendships that I have formed from the other members. I know that I have made some friends for life. With so much negativity in the world, it has been such a refreshing change to be able to mix with like-minded people who encourage improvement rather than sneer at it.

At other gyms I would never dream of going over to the weights bench, but at FF everyone is encouraged and steered in the right direction to get the best out of every session. This is all done in a fun and enjoyable way and I always come out with a smile on my face even if I went in with a scowl!

These days I factor my membership to Fitness Formation in as a cost towards my wellbeing, which is one of the most important costs that I have. It is worth every penny. I just wish that I had more time, so that I could attend more. I would highly recommend it.

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