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Summer is here, and thankfully, the weather is warm and sunny. At this time of the year adequate fluid intake is essential. We have a greater need to drink and replace fluids lost during exercise. Water is massively important, yet many people overlook how essential it is.

Water has many different benefits including regulating our body temperature, lubricating our joints, shifting waste throughout the body, and transporting nutrients.

Fluid intake during exercise, especially at this time of the year when the temperature is heightened, is very important. Water and adequate hydration is essential to performance throughout your workouts, and during your day to day tasks and activity.

During intense exercise in hot weather, we will often see a drop in body weight due to fluids lost through sweating, and this will increase the longer you exercise. It has to be said that the same is true for working out at any time of the year, but here, we are talking more about exercising in hot weather.

A drop in body weight will cause the heart to work a little harder and can lead to a number of heat related illnesses including heat stroke and exhaustion.

Blog Title - Hydration

So, what should our fluid intake be? There is no exact measurement for every single individual. We are all different. An easy way to assess if you are adequately hydrated is to monitor the colour of your urine.

Clear or lightly coloured means you’re probably hydrated and dark coloured means the opposite. Also, if you’re urinating more frequently, this is often good sign your fluid intake is adequate. 

That said, here are a few guidelines you can follow whilst you are exercising. 8 to 10 fluid ounces of water every 10 to 15 minutes are the recommended amounts to keep your performance levels higher. It is also recommended to drink 15 to 20 fluid ounces around two hours before exercising.

If you’re exercising longer than 60 minutes, it is beneficial to your level of performance to drink fluids more specific in the replacement of electrolytes lost throughout your session. This is where sports drinks come into their own.

The recommended guidelines are 8 to 10 fluid ounces every 15 to 30 minutes, if you are exercising longer than 60 minutes. For those people taking part in even longer duration exercise such as triathlons or marathons, they will need to consume sports drinks with a higher, more complex concentrate of electrolytes.

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