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In August 2013, I was due to turn 40. After a horrendous start to the year in which my husband had been made redundant,I did what I did best and ate my way out of the situation resulting in putting on 2.5 stone over a 6 month period, which left me fat at 40 (which was really not what I wanted to be).

On the evening of my party, one of my friends was telling me that she had signed up at a new gym, and I remember asking her to let me know what it was like. About 6 week’s later I met up with the same friend, took one look at her and said “Where have you gone?” 

She literally looked like a completely different person, and I remember saying that I needed to go to this place.  She told me that the gym was rolling out another programme at the end of October. I paid my money and signed up for 4 week’s. That was October 2013 and I am still here, and enjoying every session.

My first session was hard. Nothing like I had ever done before, and I remember being extremely nervous. Halfway through my first session, I remember thinking that I really didn’t like it. I felt that it wasn’t really for me, and I was going to ask for my money back. 

However, later that night I knew I had joined for a reason and I was going to stick it out and get my monies worth.  I went back and absolutely loved it! I knew after a couple of sessions that I was going to sign up after my four week trial was up, and that was just the beginning of my journey. 

When I joined, I weighed just over 13 stone and could only really wear stretchy, elasticated jeggings. I was squeezing myself into size 14 trousers but really should have been wearing a size 16. My diet was healthy(ish). I knew that I overate and snacked in-between meals on biscuits and chocolate.  I knew that something had to change.

I didn’t like the way that I felt in my clothes and had decided enough was enough.  My goal when I started was to fit back into my size 12 clothes that were just sat in my wardrobe. I religiously stuck to my three sessions each week and by the time I went on holiday at the end of May 2014, I had dropped to 9 stone 10 pounds and was wearing a size 10.  I had surpassed my goal and obviously this meant that I had to buy lots of new clothes as the one’s in my wardrobe were now too big!

Success Story - Joanne Berry

I have managed to maintain this weight since then, and my new aim is to improve my level of fitness for life. This not only benefits me, but benefits my family, and in particular my two children.

The coaches at Fitness Formation are extremely conscientious. They go above and beyond any other coaches that I’ve known from previous gyms. They watch to ensure that you are lifting correctly and demonstrate, so that you know you are doing the exercises safely. 

Every session is planned beforehand and each session is varied, which is fantastic.  The coaches have a lot of combined knowledge of fitness and nutrition between them, which has been particularly useful to me this last year.   

Nutritionally I have learnt a lot, and they are there to offer advice with regards to this and to run alongside your exercise programme, especially if your goal is to lose weight. 

During my time at Fitness Formation, I have taken part in three Born Survivor 10km obstacle races as a team with other Fitness Formation members. Something I would never really have dreamed that I could do and complete, but actually loved doing.   

I personally wouldn’t go anywhere else now. I still look forward to going to all of my sessions and it never feels like working out is an effort or a chore.  I’ve been a member of other gyms in the past and have given up after short periods of time because I’ve got bored.  I’ve done various aerobics and Zumba classes in the, past but I’ve never had results like this before. Everyone is so nice, it’s so friendly and the best thing is that you have a laugh, whilst working out. 

If you are thinking about getting fit or changing your lifestyle this really is the best place . Give it a try. 

I feel that it has changed my life and it could change yours.

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