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Obesity is at an all time high. Research estimates that nearly 55% of females, and 60% of males are overweight. Most will think that this is directly linked to bad nutrition. It has it’s links to nutrition, but it’s actually more attributed to the fact that we move less.

Why? Due to the advances in modern technology.

It’s estimated that in modern society, we burn around 800-850 calories less than we used to due to the upsurge in inventions designed to make our lives easier. Energy saving inventions, smart phones, remote controls, escalators, electric windows, and lifts are just a few of the culprits.

Blog Title - Move More

Technology will continue to grow. The world will be run by robots at some point in the distant future! We need to make an effort to get up and move more. 

Use the stairs, and not the escalator. Get up, and change the channel. Walk to work. Walk around the office rather than sending an email, or message on social media. Burn the energy that modern tech is making sure you don’t use.

If we continue to let the growth of technology dominate our lives, we will continue to grow….


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