Passion Killer
Make The Changes Now.....
In this blog, we’re going to look at the things that might be killing your motivation. Not long ago you were passionate about the things that you now see as a mental block you can’t get around or over. The things that used to excite you, but you now dread.
Let’s take a look at how we can flip the switch from negative to positive…..
Change the scenery. Does every day feel like groundhog day? The type of day that you are sure was exactly the same as last week, and the week before? You need to change your surroundings.
You need some spice in your life. Some variety. Try a new gym class. Meet new people in your area of business. Change careers. Whatever you need to do to charge your low motivation levels.
Smile, and carry on. We’re talking about negativity here. You’ll meet it somewhere, that’s for sure. When you get into the best shape of your life, someone will drag you down and tell you you look too lean, too skinny, too butch, or call you a gym freak. If your business is successful, people will try to pick holes in it.
Look at it this way. You’ve put yourself out there and tried to change who you are. Kill them with kindness. Check out the Robert Downey Jnr quote. It’s too naughty to put it in this blog,but it’s good.
Getting negative results? If you’re not getting results, change something. In the gym. In your business. In your education. Take action.
Find a solution to change what is it that is not working. By taking action, you’ll raise those low levels of motivation.
Failure is not final. Have you already “failed” with your resolution? We guess you’ve already given up on this year, if you have failed. Start now. Do something small today.
Attend the gym you’ve yet to attend so far this year. The first step is always the hardest. Taking action is not a waste of time. Wasting time is.
Break it down – If you have a large volume of work or you’re struggling to put all your eggs into one basket, then break it down into manageable chunks.
Trying to balance too many things often leads to a loss of motivation, but breaking things down into smaller tasks helps to decrease the chances of you moving away from success.
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