Ready. Set. Go.
Go Forth And Conquer....
If you’re still going with your new goals for 2017, give yourselves a pat on the back. People are starting to fall by the wayside by now, so now is the time to keep telling yourself that what you’re doing will be worth it in the long run. And trust us, it will pay dividends and more for your future self.
Looking back over the last week we have given you advice on consistency, nutrition, goal setting, accountability, creating habits, surrounding yourself with positive people, water intake and journalling. We are going to wrap up this series of tips and allow you to get on with changing your life. For now, we have another two pointers for you tonight.
#9. Tracking. If you’re looking to bridge the gap between good and outstanding then you need to be tracking. We are living in a hugely exciting, technological era with all manner of apps, methods and systems to allow us to document what we are doing in the gym and what we are putting into our bodies.
Our ability to achieve the kind of results we desire can more often than not be related back to our nutrition. We can argue that the food industry is evolving as fast as the technology industry as more and more elaborate marketing methods influence our decision making when it comes to food.
Nutrition is a minefield that many people fail to navigate. Using a tracking method can help us to identify what we are doing wrong and how we can change it. We will say that no app or program can replace human knowledge. If you have the opportunity to talk to a nutritionist, dietician or a good coach in the fitness industry, do so. That said, we are in an ever-evolving world and technology or the humble pen and paper allow us to pinpoint inaccuracies. My Fitness Pal is a good start point. It allows us to see our data in a clear, easy to understand format. This offers an easy way into tracking. Give it a go, and identify what you are doing right or wrong. Download it and begin to track today.
#10. Fail. It will happen. It doesn’t mean it’s the end of the road. It’s how we learn, and evolve.
Ready To Make 2017 Your Year? Contact Us Today.