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My FF story started about two months ago. I used to walk past the studio on the way to work and thought this gym would be the best one for me and my goals after speaking to Heather.

I found out a lot of different things about the gym and it sounded more fitting than a mainstream type of gym where I’d just walk in and not have a clue what I’m doing.

I have achieved a lot more than I thought I would when I walked through the door for the first time. The sessions aren’t designed to be easy and you’ve got to work hard, but they are fun and with the support of the coaches, they are great.

I always try bringing 100% effort to the sessions and by doing this I have noticed a huge difference in my fitness. Each session I could feel myself getting a little fitter. I used to run a 1.5 mile run at 10 minutes 20 seconds, and now I’m running them at 9 minutes 40.

Rob Carr - Success Story

40 seconds is a huge improvement for myself.

The best part about FF is it is one huge family and everyone in there treats you as though you are one of their own and give you big support.

The huge thing I enjoy about FF is that you are never ever alone. You have a coach with you who will push you in every session and make sure you are doing things right, which is a massive plus for me as I said before, I’d go to a different gym and not really have a clue what I’m doing. The three guys have been a privilege to be trained by, as I’m always learning when I’m in there.

The way I see it is you’ve got to give what you get, so when I come here I make sure I bring my A game. The support from people in there and Ryan, Dan and Ben are a great combination. The coaches really know their stuff and will support you in whatever need you have signed up for. They are all exceptional trainers. 

I would highly recommend FF to anyone who wants to get fit for any reason. It has been a great investment for me and I haven’t regretted it at all.

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