Sam Hicks – Success Story
This Is Inspirational. Take a look.....
Joining FF in May 2014 has been nothing short of life changing. I rarely work less than a 50 hour week and prior to FF, I would have never believed I had time for the gym given my busy – by – choice lifestyle. Having said that, attending sessions are now an integral part of my life, and I make sure that I make time. I don’t know how I ever maintained my sanity without it!
FF is more than just a gym. OK, so I’m sure a lot of other establishments also use that tagline as a marketing slogan, but FF really lives up to that statement. But you won’t truly believe it, until you are a part of it.
The coaches are amazing. They know your name. They know your strengths. They know your weaknesses, but also take time to get to know you personally, and they really care.
At FF, they promote positivity, kindness, and encouragement from coaches and clients alike. (I will come onto the crazy clients shortly.) Bad attitudes and self absorbed gym bunnies are not what FF is about. If you fit into either category, FF is not for you.
Initially, I was somewhat taken aback by the cost, but when you calculate the cost by session against the cost of a gym you would pay monthly membership for and never attend, the maths really isn’t as scary as you may think. Believe me, you will get your money’s worth!
These sessions, teamed with a private support and accountability group, all create a unique gym experience, which offers a huge wealth of knowledge, motivation and fun, from both the coaches, and other clients.
FF is not your stereotypical gym. You wont be left alone on a cross trainer or a treadmill (because they don’t have either) to achieve next to nothing. You will be in a group of lovely (if not a little crazy) like minded individuals and an awesome coach, all who want you to succeed, because failure is not an option. You will be worked hard, on occasion to within an inch of your life, but all at a pace which is right for you.
If time would allow it, I would be at FF five days per week.
Since starting at FF, I have lost over 10Kg. 1/6 of my starting bodyweight. I couldn’t do one full press up and cringed at the thought of running for a bus. Last year, I took part in 10 obstacle races because I consider this the best way to spend a Saturday morning. Oh, how I have changed!
I would recommend FF to anyone. It’s not a gym, it’s a lifestyle choice… and a flipping awesome one at that.
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