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This blog will give you some pointers on how to get a better nights rest. How to get into a good routine, how to regulate your sleep pattern, and how to reduce external factors that are associated with a poor nights sleep.

When trying to develop good night time routines finding what works for you and what doesn’t, is all about experimentation. As with anything, it is not a one size fits all scenario. One thing that is a common thread though is just how much sleep you need to function optimally.

One of the most common tipping points is an irregular bedtime routine. Many people go to bed at varying times throughout the week, and never really stick to a regular pattern. Find out how much sleep you need to function at your best. Most experts recommend seven to eight hours a night. Go to bed at a regular time. Try not to break the cycle, even at weekends when we are generally more free of time. Aim to stay in the routine of the weekdays.

Keep yourself active during the evening to avoid the early evening slump that many people experience after a long day. Do some chores, spend time with the kids, or even better, exercise.

Regulate the time you wake up each day, if your schedule allows it. Again, do not break it because it is the weekend.

Blog Title - Sleep

Many peoples bed is their pride and joy. It needs to be comfortable. Invest in a quality mattress. Keep the room temperature regulated. Too hot or too cold will affect your sleep patterns. 

Put the smart phone, tablet, or laptop away an hour, or even better, two hours before you go to sleep. The light of the devices screen affects the patterns within the brain. Recent studies have also shown that sleeping with exercise bands (Fit Bit, Jaw Bone) effects the quality of sleep due to the signals being sent between the device and your smart phone throughout the evening, so consider this also.  

The biggest factor that goes without saying is healthy eating and exercise. The release of endorphins are proven to improve your state of mind.

A few of the sins of bedtime are pretty common knowledge. Avoid alcohol. It has a counter effect on your sleep pattern, as does caffeine. It has been shown to be effective on an individuals sleep up to 10 to 12 hours after.

Avoid drinking to much liquid. The only thing you’ll be doing all night is heading to the toilet, as caffeine also acts as a diuretic.

Several ideas of how to improve the quality of your shut eye to ensure a goods nights rest. Try some of these for yourself.

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