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The benefits of resistance training vs cardio training. A subject that divides many fitness professionals. As we’ve said before in previous blogs, it’s not a one size fits all scenario when it comes to fitness.

Nobody should feel pushed or forced into a certain method of training, or have a certain method force fed to them because of an individuals beliefs. Some people may use a certain style of training because they simply enjoy it. Others may train that way because it is beneficial to their sport or hobby of choice. 

This blog will give you some alternatives to pounding the treadmill or the pavement by using other methods of conditioning that will help to torch calories, and burn fat. 

Skipping – Boxers spend hours honing this skill, and for a very good reason. Skipping for 10 minutes is the equivalent of running a mile at 5 – 6 mph. It’s also cost effective.

Most ropes only cost a few quid from any sports store, or if you feel you want to spend little bit more, invest in a good speed rope.

Skipping will also help to build your core strength and stability. Just leave the double under’s to the boxers for now. 

Blog Title - Conditioning

Rowing – Rowing will give you a  good workout, whilst working many of your major muscle groups. Good technique will ensure you burn fat at a rate that can be on a par with resistance training. Start with fifteen minutes. Build up, seek guidance on technique and you’ll be rowing like a pro before you know it. 

Cycling  – Cycling will see some serious strength gains in your quads, hamstrings and your glutes. Seek advice from someone in the know about what type of bike to buy, and how to ensure that you pedal with a focus on efficiency and power in equal measure.

Swimming –  Swimming is an excellent way to burn fat, and increase your cardiovascular fitness. Start with two to three times a week for 30 – 60 minutes.

Studies suggest that this is enough to increase your VO2 max by 11 – 12%, which is a reflection of your individual aerobic fitness. 

Try some of the above methods to add some variety to your current program. As well as trying something new, you will also be applying variables to your training, which are essential to ensure that you do not plateau.

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