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Playing the lone wolf motivates some of us, with your headphones on and the volume turned up to the maximum, but research has found that working together is the best way to workout. Working out with somebody can double the intensity of your training.

Group exercise is not just about an instructor barking orders that you can barely hear over the loud music blaring out of the speakers. These environments offer the social aspect, support from people who may be on the same pathway as you, and the same goals as you. Not to mention the obvious physiological, and phycological benefits.

Let’s look at some of them in a bit more detail…..

Social Network

Working out with likeminded people is more appealing to many, and they are a great way to meet new people. Many of them will have very similar goals to yourself, so you already have that common bond. Family atmosphere’s are generated with these groups, and a real sense of community shows within them. You’ll find you begin to build a whole new network. 

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Once you commit to something with a partner, or gym buddy, you are accountable to them, and to the rest of the group. That sense of camaraderie that you have created also means that people will be concerned should you not show up for sessions. Social media is a great way of connecting with those who might be unable to attend sessions, and is a good way of checking in with them.

Push your limits

Having like minded people around you will focus your energy, and your ability to step out of your comfort zone. You will work harder, push more, and encourage others. Any limitations that you feel may be holding you back will be swept away in a vibrant, positive environment.


The effects of exercise are well known, and we often talk about them in our blogs, but a group exercise environment has been proven to encourage increased participation, and research suggests it benefits people who suffer with mental illness, more than working out on their own.

Time To Start Building Your Social Network. Fill In The Form Below Today.

