World Record Breaking Born Heroes Team
Fitness Formation Born Heroes - St. John's Hospice Team
It started with a vision – Eric Thomas
Every idea starts with a ‘vision’. In your mind’s eye, you have a vision of what success looks like. That vision is so strong, and so powerful, that you’ll move heaven and earth to make it a reality.
The idea for the world record was first discussed a few weeks ago. The concept? To assemble the biggest team in Guinness world record history to compete in an obstacle race.
The aim is simple. To raise £100,000 for St. John’s Hospice with a team of 1000 people each raising £100.
One world record. One team. One hospice.
Fitness Formation has been supporting St. John’s Hospice for over 18 months as its chosen charity. The work of the hospice is truly inspiring. The staff work tirelessly to provide care, and support for local people and their families, both within the hospice, and the community with people suffering life threatening illnesses, and conditions. Some of these will sadly not be here to see this campaign draw to its conclusion in April 2015.
Born Survivor provides the setting for the world record. 10km of obstacles set within the Lowther estate in Cumbria. The team will crawl, climb, scramble, and run over, through, up, and across more than 25 obstacles.
This isn’t about recording the fastest individual time. This isn’t about being the fittest, or the strongest.
This is about assembling the most awe inspiring team in the history of obstacle racing. 1000 people all pulling in the same direction for one cause, and one purpose. To raise £100,000 for St. John’s Hospice. Obstacle racing is about one thing.
Teamwork. It’s about providing support, motivation, and encouragement. It’s about inspiring, selflessness, and positivity. Supporting your team mates, just as the hospice do for the people they care for. Encouraging those who may be fearful, just as the hospice do with those facing long battles with illness. Inspiring people you may never have met before, and may never see again, just as the hospice inspire the local community.
To make this vision a reality, the team needs you. It needs people to support the cause, and join the team. The team needs the backing of local businesses, and their owners.
You may have noticed that there is no ‘we’. There is no we, I, or you. This isn’t about loyalties, affiliations, or backgrounds. There is no I, or you in teamwork. This is about one team creating history in order to raise £100,000 for one cause.
1 team. 1 hospice. 1000 people. £100,000 raised.
– To join the team simply follow the link below:
– Click register for Born Survivor.
– Select the top option – Fitness Formation Born Heroes.
– Follow the on screen instructions.
– Then set up your fundraising page through the same link above ^^^.
– Raise £199 and we will REFUND you every penny of your registration fee – so essentially the event is FREE!
– Then, tell all your friends, family and colleagues about what you are doing and get them to follow the same instructions so we can achieve our goal of helping the hospice out as much as we possibly can by hitting over £100,000 in sponsorship.
– Last but by no means least, click the following link to ask to join our facebook group:
When you have done all the above, please invite all your friends to the facebook group. That is where we are going to communicate everything through, to make it super simple for everyone.
If you need anything else, please comment below and we will do everything we can to help out!